The Member of Parliament Njoro Constituency has accused a Cabinet Secretary of not involving the public in matters affecting their lives and their families.
Speaking at the Nakuru Showground, Njoro MP Charity Kathambi accused CS Keriako Tobiko of not honouring the Constitution by allowing for public participation in environmental decisions.
“We will not add internally displaced persons in Kenya. We support conservation but let us value the lives of our people. Let us compensate and resettle the people in a humane way,” said MP Kathambi.
Mau politics
The MP had a day before was facing off with the Cabinet Secretary in Parliament over the evacuation of the people living in the Mau Water Tower.
MP Kathambi said she would not sit and watch as her people suffer from eviction that does not consider their plight as children, parents, and families who have invested their lives there.
The Mau issue has always been a ‘hot potato’ issue in the country especially among the millions living in the Rift Valley region.