Cate Waruguru Susan Kihika Jane Chebaibai Liza Chelule
Inua Mama, Jenga Taifa Members Sen Susan Kihika (Nakuru), MP Cate Waruguru (Laikipia) and MP Jane Chebaibai (Elgeyo Marakwet) during an Inua Mama Empowerment Meeting.

Laikipia Women Representative Cate Waruguru was always among the last three speakers during Inua Mama, Jenga Taifa meetings held across the country.

She would deliver the killer punch with extra precision in any of the two official languages in Kenya – English, and Swahili – not forgetting her mother tongue Kikuyu.

MP Waruguru has the gift of public speaking and would easily have the listening crowd cheering her on seconds into her speech.

Her wit was exposed as she quoted from the Bible (in her CV, she was a student of theology), her clear memory of past political play in the Kenyan scene, and weaving everything together to suit her current crowd and political climate.

She was a fireball in rallies in Meru, Uasin Gishu, Laikipia and Isiolo or anywhere the Inua Mama group led by Kandara MP Alice Wahome held a meeting. Only MP Wahome and/or Aisha Jumwa (Malindi) would match her oratory skills in the meetings.

However, weeks into the Jubilee cleansing of their detractors in Senate and Parliament, MP Waruguru changed camps. She was seen at Raila Odinga’s Capitol Hill office in Nairobi and after that, she changed her tune and loyalty by hitting at the very people she had crisscrossed the country with – the Deputy President William Ruto supporters, to the shock of Inua Mama members and supporters.

Other members of Inua Mama included Susan Kihika (Nakuru), Jane Chebaibai (Elgeyo Marakwet), Liza Chelule (Nakuru), Gladys Shollei (Uasin Gishu), Tecla Tum (Nandi), Alice Milgo (Bomet) and Janet Sitienei (Turbo) among others.

The group traveled the country empowering women, youth, and PWDs by giving them equipment to help them start businesses and also cash/cheques for projects.