Beth Muthoni Watuku is a single mother of two a son 27years and a daughter 10 years from Kagumoini village in Karembu of Kiamwangi Ward in Gatundu South who was found dead at Kimunyu praying shrine caves on Saturday 18th Jan 2025 at 13:32.
Muthoni left her home on Thursday morning for a fasting prayer throughout the night to get a breakthrough in her life but she later went missing.
Shocking and horrifically, the 44-year-old mother was later found dead on Saturday evening brutally murdered and her head pushed and fixed between some rocks deep down below the cave! Her head was brutally hit with a blunt object, four of her upper Jaw teeth were removed, and beside her body were empty bottles containing some unknown fluid that seemed to have been used to make her sleep or unconscious before brutally taking away her life.
This shrine cave in Kimunyu—Gatundu South is said to have many people worshiping, praising, and praying 24/7.
Where were these holy people when this lady was been strangled, tortured and murdered???