Launch of the Professional Association of Nyanza (PANY) Women Strategic Plan

Launch of the PANY Strategic Plan at Nairobi Serena Hotel.
Launch of the PANY Strategic Plan at Nairobi Serena Hotel.

First Lady Rachel Ruto is presiding over the launch of the Professional Association of Nyanza (PANY) Women Strategic Plan at the Nairobi Serena Hotel this Friday morning.

She is accompanied by the spouse of the Deputy President Pastor Dorcas Rigathi during this beautiful occasion graced by women from across the six counties in Nyanza region.

Cabinet Secretary ICT and Digital Economy Eliud Owalo is among those leading the launch of the Strategic Plan 2024-2028 document, which follows a series of past meetings that included attendance by the US Ambassador Margaret ‘Meg’ Whitman.

Also present are Cabinet Secretaries Aisha Jumwa, Florence Bore, and Ezekiel Machogu, the Chair of the Council of Governors Council and Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru, Deputy Speaker Gladys Boss Shollei, Lady Justices Joyce Aluoch, Effie Owuor, Former IEBC Vice Chair Lilian Mahir-Zaja and Betty Adero among other leading women professionals from the Nyanza region.

Others were Evans Kidero, Nicholas Gumo, Fred Owutta, 22 Chairs of State Organisations, Chief Executive Officers, Directors, Vice Chancellors and Deputy Vice Chancellors, and the Governing Council of PANY.

This far the organization has registered more than 2,000 members, and planted more than 5,000 towards greening the environment among other successful achievements towards education, financial empowerment, children and orphans projects and the environment.

In Awendo Constituency, one million Kenya shillings was given to a Sacco and the seed capital has grown to more than five million Kenya shillings.

“This strategic plan is our blueprint that shall steer us to greater heights. The voice of women are not only heard but actively sought out. Let us create safe spaces for women to speak up and also speak out,” said Betty Adero.

Nyanza has a population of more than two million people. 79 per cent of this population in Nyanza is youthful, and only more than 6 per cent is over the age of 55 years. There is high primary attendance, but as they go into secondary school there is high drop outs because of teenage pregnancy. There is also high poverty level, and a high burden of malaria and HIV/AIDs, and the collapse of the sugar, coffee, and pyrethrum industry including outdated farming practises.

The vision is ‘Be a catalyst for development that creates a lasting impact in communities’.

The core values are diversity, integrity, respect, professionalism and innovation. They have seven priority areas – health, education, agriculture and climate change, financial inclusion among others.

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